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Reg No. 512984

The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) is the main Skill Council promoting and providing training for every discipline within the Building and Civil Engineering Industries.

Reg No. 1204472

Constructionline is home to thousands of the best qualified construction contractors and acts as a platform to ensure clients can obtain the right organisation, with the necessary criteria needed to undertake their work professionally and safely.

Reg No. 236272

CHAS (Contractors Health & Safety Assessment Scheme) was created by a group of experienced health and safety professionals in 1977, with its purpose to improve construction safety standards within the UK

The Considerate Constructors Scheme is a not-for-profit, independent organisation founded to raise standards in the construction industry.

Construction sites, companies and suppliers voluntarily register with the Scheme and agree to abide by the Code of Considerate Practice, designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirements.

The Scheme is concerned about any area of construction activity that may have a direct or indirect impact on the image of the industry as a whole. The main areas of concern fall into three categories: the general public, the workforce and the environment.

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Advantage Home Construction Insurance (AHCI) is a leading structural defects insurance specialist providing building warranty & insurance. 

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